I already did the “Make a Payment” process and received a receipt but couldn’t confirm my registration.

If you closed out the registration on the browser before revisiting the registration form to input the “Order Number” and click on the “Register” button after making a payment, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Fill out the registration form again through the link below:
  2. Since we have received your payment in our system, you don’t need to pay the registration fee again. After you fill out the registration form, please click ‘Yes’ to “Did you make a payment?” to the question and fill out the order number written on your payment receipt received from aplos. Please proceed by clicking Register after.
  3. You will soon receive the confirmation email to activate your account. Your membership to the conference will be confirmed once you click “activate”.
  4. You can now log into your account with your ID and Password written on your registration form through https://app.highercallingconference.org.